Brown’s Point Elementary

Site Director: Larry Quantz

Hours of Operation: 7:15am – 6:00pm

Location: Schools Out Child Care is operated in the lunchroom at Brown’s Point Elementary School. Please use the far right entry door from the front of the school.

Daily Schedule:

Morning and afternoon snack are provided. During snack time announcements are made about any new activities or crafts, etc. that are available. Sometimes snack times include entertainment time, where some student(s) have an act to perform for the others.

Homework Time:

20-30 minutes of quiet work time is provided Monday – Thursday for completing homework or reading. Help is provided when needed.


After homework time, children have the option to play outside or inside, as weather permits.

Children can choose to play an organized game or have free time on the playground for outdoor playtime. The number of staff members supervising indoor/outdoor play depends on the number of children playing in each area.

If children choose to play indoors, they have access to a wide variety of toys, equipment, games, art supplies and books. They are free to get them out and put them away when finished. Playtime

is self-directed and some children are able to choose to play with friends or curl up on a cushion to read. Other children may choose an arts and craft project or to set up a railroad for trains.

How Children Arrive at School’s Out after the school day ends:

1st – 5th grade students are dismissed to the lunchroom after school and are checked-in to School’s Out. Kindergarten children are delivered to and picked up from their classroom.


Please contact School’s Out when your child will be absent. When a child is absent unexpectedly, we will call the school office to ensure the child’s safety and then we will call you. Please be sure your contact phone numbers are up to date at all times.